Monday 19 March 2012

Cooperative learning

Cooperative learning is where students work together in a group to master learning goal despite of race, gender and cultural mix. Groups are made based on high, average and low achieving students. Students are rewarded based on group performance and individual performance.

The goal of cooperative learning is associated with educational achievement. Those students will learn together and share knowledge with peers. Students are expected to absorb to be tolerance and accept the diversity of group members. Cooperative learning also enables students to build their social skills as they communicate to peers from different background of culture, race, gender or religion.

Despite the advantage in cooperative learning there can be several disadvantages too. Often there will be one or two students faster than the others. This will create frustration in the slower student as he/she will be left behind in the group. Alternatively, student whom is moving fast will feel held back by waiting.

This theory varies from the Multiple Intelligence theory by Gardner where by Gardner suggests that teachers ought to teach broader range of talent and skill. The learning tools, strategies are recommended to be more students engaging with the intelligences. Each of the theory has a meaning, analysis and experimented evidence that shows benefit to the learner. Hence,teachers play an important role in determining which theory should be used in classroom for their students. Teachers need to learn the student’s capability and talents in order to effective learning. In addition, theories can be combined with another to create a effective and efficient learning.

Further links;
C:\Documents and Settings\102791\Local Settings\Temp\Temporary Directory 1 for CL_and_Reading_Aloud[1].zip\CL and Reading Aloud.htm

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